Research Standards & Ethics

Peace of Mind

Your goal is to get objective information about your potential audience or customers to guide your communications program. Yet as a values-led organization you may have been horrified by what masquerades as ‘research’ in some circles.

Rest assured. Over the years, we have explored with absolute discretion client research questions ranging from product name choices, to package designs, to sensitive issues like barriers and motivations or message testing with victims of sexual abuse or parents of children with special needs.

Mission-driven businesses and nonprofits

Our marketing research projects for the private sector are done in conformance with generally accepted standards for primary research projects based on methodology, and in accordance with one or more of the following codes of ethics:

Public sector and government agencies

Our public information and social policy research projects, depending on funding source and research methodology, are most likely to be conducted in accordance with one of the following standards:

  • (45 CFR 46) All research involving human participants funded in whole or in part by the federal government must comply with the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 45, Part 46-Protection of Human Subjects (45 CFR 46). Additionally, all research must be approved by an Institutional Review Board (IRB) prior to the start of the research.